Thursday, September 22, 2005
Ranty rant goes my pants
Owing to the sudden extension of my Fil paper I felt obligated to post something entirely nonsensical because I'm in a good mood. Math can wait. And yes, I see that last statement backfiring already.
Today I had a craptacular migraine and therefore skipped Botany. Two cuts so far but they were reporting days so that's equivalent to double cut. Now I have a grand total of 6 cuts then. Woohoo, at least I used them well.
The round robin bouts for fencing are over. I fought a total of 10, with 5 losses and 5 wins. Not bad all things considered. Although if we had more competent referees and side judges I'm quite sure I would've scored more points. I fought Abi today and ended up accidentally hitting each other in the nether regions. It didn't really hurt; either her jabs weren't strong or I'm impervious to pain. It was another story when I hit her though. My strong arm strikes again. I injured myself twice today - the first time was because of my stupid mask and the second was either due to too much friction with the foil handle thing or I got scraped by my opponent. The details arent exactly clear to me. Apart from winning that last bout I also lost some skin on my finger. Just a little bit.
Anywhoozles, I shall link new
Furiae just for kicks. And because this mamzelle has just realized that she has a particularly irritating lump of math gunk to finish up, she's wrapping it up and going avay.
Thus spake Irish || 7:22 PM