Thursday, March 16, 2006
Brainwash the self
I need to score 173.5 in the Calculus finals to raise my grade to B.
*Kicks self in the head*
Sir Chan Shio (the best math teacher EVAH)says he'll give me the grade if I can scrape a B+ or a high B in the test.
I'm going to miss him. You don't get that kind of teacher often. He's super nice and you can really see that he puts all his effort into teaching us
properly. The man writes all the procedures down, fer chrissakes - and I'm not talking about abbreviated shit. Whole sentences. I can only hope to get so lucky the next time around. I'll need that kind of teacher for Accounting. Gasp.
I have to get a B+.
I need to get a B+.
I WILL get a B+.
Thus spake Irish || 5:38 PM