Friday, September 30, 2005
Siphoning off my lunacy

I spent half of lunch time trying to reason with Hayan about bringing her new puppy to school on Monday. While the idea was fairly amusing, I explained that keeping a dog in one's bag for the whole day is tantamount to murder. Not to mention the fact that it would have to shit, piss (and possibly puke) sometime. I'm not sure if I managed to talk some sense into her... I suppose I'll see her on Monday.

Something I've only acknowledged now - College Filipino is a lot more sensible than the moralistic garbage they kept cramming down our throats in high school. It's more thought provoking and our choice of material is bolder, stranger and (usually) disturbing. And that's saying something because I never really thought to appreciate Filipino literature. A good lot of them have won my respect though. It's still a bitch to read them, but that's okay.

Also in relation to the subject, my group had to film a short sketch from the story we're supposed to report on. It was a one character thing so we drew lots to see who'd play Benilda. You guessed it, I had the misfortune of drawing it so I had to don just about the fugliest frilly lace nightgown in the history of humanity. Eeew.
For the record, I don't pull off a very good scared face... I end up looking angry. At least only sir will see it. I actually feel sorry for him x_X

Oh and one more thing - Our thoughts don't have periods. Fancy that.

Thus spake Irish || 6:54 PM || 0 comments