Monday, May 15, 2006
How Utterly Disappointing
Maybe I should've joined training. It's nice to hear that the other guys from my class have been accepted into varsity. They're still badgeering us to train, even if it's the last week but I don't want to get my hopes up. I want to take up Judo again but the schedule's just so inconvenient, it's far too late. I just can't risk going home that late, it isn't safe and shit, not even if I drive (which I haven't even learned yet).
Damn it. And it was so much fun too.
Thus spake Irish || 2:40 PM
Today's a bad day to piss the crabby girl off
I'm having ITM right now. Just finished off my first long test in fact.
My prof is a fucking asshole. He fancies himself obsessive compulsive. OH please, so is every other person in this school. I don't care for your self-diagnosed afflictions. Does he honestly thinks that makes him sound cool? Apparently, he's a bit disappointed with our class because we don't laugh at his lame jokes and show enough enthusiasm and shit. It's summer, deal with it. And he keeps insisting that we ask his previous students because they'll say he was cool and down with it. Kiss my aunt fanny, fart bag.
And to encourage us about summer classes, he told us all about his being in basic english and how in the end, it was all fucking worth it because he learned a lot. Last time I checked, being in basic english was nothihg to brag about.
Now where was I? He's an asshole because for not following directions properly (it was the first day, for chrissakes) he's deducting 1 fucking PERCENT from our class standing. Talk about overzealous. I suppose it's to back up his so-called OC image. That's just sad, especially when you know he's probably only suffering from his inability to get laid.
I think he called out my name because I didn't include my middle initial. Well, he said, whole name - and to most people the first name and the last name suffice. During the test, I started wishing I had one of those ridiculously long names so I could scribble 5 lines worth of my whole name.
++Yes, I sound especially crabby in this post, but that's mostly because I have my period. But I still don't like him. (Ironically enough, our group's name just happens to be named after him. Bleh.)
Thus spake Irish || 2:06 PM