Thursday, June 29, 2006
I've run out of cule titles.

I've been neglecting my blog, and now it's sad. It's just that I keep forgetting to write in it. Sometimes I log on with an intention to post, but mostly I end up getting waylaid so that I forget about it altogether. There there, bloggie, I still luff you.

And you - since you asked - no, cousin. The answer is no. Give it a break.

Anyway, I have no intention of fulfilling that prophecy. It just registered that I'm not in the mood to fall in lurv. It isn't because it interferes with studies and all that crockery, just that I don't feel like it. (And here I am thinking this makes me sound like I'm emotionally dead. Gawd) And on that note, maybe I am. In that respect, at least. Nyah. Tough noogies. See? I can prove Mommy Mely, Gayuma's resident cartomancer, wrong yet. So to be clear, somebody had better stop expecting me to meet that foreigner or that other un. If *hackcough* lurv is after me, it had better come wearing neon pink spandex and yellow breeches (the fuck?). And it had better be toting a heavy duty frying pan with which to thwack over my head repeatedly. Maybe that'll get my attention. Til then, you can bet your bottom that it ain't happening.

Thus spake Irish || 9:14 PM || 0 comments