Monday, October 17, 2005
Posting in the dark. Literally.
Had a semi-traumatizing experience a while ago. It involved a long, too narrow alley, the dark and coke (the drink). Pizza goes well with coke. Coke was running low. I stepped out to buy some from the store and they didn't have any so I was directed to the eskinita thingam and I was assured it would be quite safe. They must have been off their rockers. It was friggin dark. For all I knew I could have been accosted by muggers and kanto boys. But I wanted coke so I put faith into the testimonies of mister store owner man and helpful little boy.
Cramped. Too narrow. Very dark. Long.
I'm a sissy that way. But I surveeeved. I am a fortress, I shall not break. Yeah.
Oh, and Kuya Russ is camping out here for a while. He still hasn't found an apartment, poor thang. I went with him today to check out this one place. Iffy. The place was as craptacular as its name was nice - International Terrace.
I shall continue the rest tomorrow. Too dark, dammit.
Thus spake Irish || 12:17 AM