Monday, October 17, 2005
Things. Stuff. Garble.

For random passers-by, you may very well be wondering why the hell I'm bitching about posting in the dark - my brother took over my room(the two vacant rooms are filled with stuff) and he was sleeping. There.

But on to more relevant things.

Like oh, say things I've been pondering. In no particular order they go like this:
1. Yesterday we passed by that bus stop where someone snatched mum's bracelet. I could've sworn I saw the same man who did it. Can't be sure.
2. You see the most interesting things while searching for apartments with one' brother. Like signs for motels which advertise their cheap hotel rates - "for quickie time" *Snigger* Lordy Lou.
3. Ever since we discussed that story for Fil - Fastfood, I don't feel very inclined to have a summer job at a fastfood chain anytime soon. Experience schmerience. A call center thingy wont work either as you'll have to be trained... blah. Hayan gave me something to think about though. Tutoring. Obviously math is out of the question. Basic english, perhaps? I shall mull it over.
4. I had strange theories as a child. There was the time I believed that ants came from food crumbs. I could never work out why they'd eat their future selves.
5. Everyone seems to be hellbent on getting me out of this country. I have this suspicion that they're trying to fix me applications to study abroad. Um... as much as I'd like to get out of this hellpit, I think I want to finish studying here first. If anyone's bothering to listen. (I highly doubt that)
6. I'm lazy. I should really finish rewriting Morrigan's bio. I'll get around to it.
7. I seem to be incapable of writing about anything remotely profound here. Oh well. Don't feel like it. Mebbe some other time.
8. I've recently rediscovered one of my favorite short stories. It's called "Ten Thousand Easters at the Vatican" by Jessica Zafra. It goes that the world decides to ban lying, which results in the world's end. It figures, doesn't it?
9. As one may have figured out by now, I'm a sucker for lists. Incidentally, I didn't plan to have ten items here, but here we are anyway.
10. During this break, I intend to explore the interesting concept of "knees the size of hubcaps."

That's pretty much it. x_x

Thus spake Irish || 11:37 AM || 0 comments