Friday, November 18, 2005
The Age of Enlightenment, or lack thereof
Hello. I've come to the realization that it's rather difficult to recall the dollops of crockery that I've been brewing and mulling over in my head. Besides, this keyboard's brittle. Boo.
I haven't watched GoF yet, though. Still apprehensive about Voldemort. I still believe John Malkovitch would have done him justice, so expectations aren't high. On other news, the Philippines has run into another avenue for future brain drain, no not talking about Nursing. This time its teachers they want. According to my parents who were watching the news the other day, America is now in need of Filipino teachers over yonder shore. Apparently, after graduating from whatever course it is you took up, you can enroll in this training program-mabob and then get work abroad. Subsequently, the demand for teachers is estimated to be until as long as... uh, I forget, but I've been told the demand will still be there until after I graduate. This convenient little phenomenon has driven my parents into random little bouts of 'That's a really nice opportunity. Blahblahblah.' Supposedly the ideal course of action for me after college would be to go through the process mentioned above, get my arse there (presumably lodging with my horde of relatives scattered throughout the states) and then after a brief stint of "teaching" I could "pursue" whatever profession it was that I studied for.
Right. I never really saw myself as a teacher. I truly doubt that I have the patience for such a profession. Not that I see much of a future here either. The bridge will be set ablaze when I happen upon it. Needless to say, more will want out. Not like we can blame them. The country is doomed.
ADDENDUM: I find it odd that this doesn't seem to be as widespread as one would think it should be.The whole thing sounds suspicious to me, like hell its that easy. You can't just enroll with some agency and be qualified to teach. Ridiculous.
The more mundane things that happened today include Mikki returning my fencing jacket - he isn't taking fencing anymore, silly lad. And here I was thinking that it was cool that his gay arse was taking a not so sissy sport. Damn. Phht. I have to find someone else to sell it to then. Anyone? Aaaaanyone? And I was somehow bullied into joining a catechism org. What the? I must've been out of it today. Damn thee, Odi. Not like my membership counts for anything,, very likely that I will make myself scarce. Whoopsie. Don't say I didn't tell you so.
I still don't know what to do on the Solstice. By that I mean my birthing day. Doob doob. Can't go on a cruise, too close to the holidays unfortunately. If at the last minute I don't figure it out yet, we could always have an edifying trip to a gay bar. x_X
Thus spake Irish || 2:43 PM