Thursday, November 17, 2005
Off with yir head

Hiss. I was about to vandalize my blog yesterday (I do so miss writing pointless, and downright delirious entries), but no, my Internet Explorer just had to be corrupted. Now it's in a funk and I think tinkering with my computer has only made it worse. I'll have to live off the comlabs for now. Agony.

At any rate, I feel obliged to declare that the second semester is an especially good one. My luck has finally turned around and all my profs seem like decent individuals who will not go out of their way to make my life miserable. If I play my cards correctly, it'll be quite the opposite, really. My math professor is nice, he has notes in abundance and likes to explain in great many detail which gives me a sliver hope. Which is why I am hellbent on deluding myself - seriously - I'm on a campaign to brainwash myself into thinking that I actually like Calculus. This kind of reprogramming just might help, I say. Now if I just keep telling myself that, I might actually believe me.

Other things of interest, yesterday whilst I was sitting beside Amirah in the sec benches, I noticed this luminescent green bug the size of my fist, resting on her shoulder. For a while there I hesitated, thinking perhaps this might be her... pet? Much shuffling about and thwacking later, we parted the evil bug from her shoulder. Bugs. They're out to get us, I tell ye. It was an evil grasshopper mutant, I believe.

Speaking of strange evil bugs (in the best possible sense)- Sir Oca invaded my dream the other day. Now that in itself is disturbing and downright freaky, but it got even worse. Yes, it's possible. The class was being rowdy, I think - the details escape me - the only thing I remember clearly is that he decides to blame me for something and starts throwing an almighty hissy fit. You know how in dreams, some sensations are heightened and everything seems a thousand times worse? It was exactly like that. He started humiliating me in front of everybody with every fiber of his being. It was utterly horrid. After that, still dreaming, I began venting anger (or rage, more like)... then I woke up, still pissed. It was only a dream, but I mulled it over at the end of the day and I'm still slightly disturbed. Almost like it really happened. ~Wyckde dremes these be~

So. In conclusion: Irish *hearts* Calculus. Bugs are taking over. Internet Explorer sucks the big one. And Sir Oca is meeeeeaaan.

Thus spake Irish || 8:49 AM || 1 comments