Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Beyond the Veil

We didn't visit a single cemetary this year. Odd eh? We were supposed to have a picnic on my grandparents' grave (sounds rather sick, I realize) the day before Halloween but as it was raining, my aunt decided to just have an indoor picnic nextdoor. We basically stuffed ourselves with chilidogs and brownies. No grave visiting.

Let's leave it at that. For future references, I have no intention of turning into worm food when I die. I'd prefer to be cremated, thank you very much. It's less of a hassle, and is far more dignified in my opinion. Besides, I wouldn't want my dead body to rot in some bulky, ugsome box for all of eternity.

Oh, and I've finished Good Omens, finally. I kept reading bits of it, then I'd get bored and put it down. Then I'd get random urges to continue reading and when I'd hit a lull in the novel I left it alone again. I spent most of yesterday finishing it, and I must say that I'm quite disappointed that the apocalypse didn't push through. Phooey. Adam, the antichrist, is a wuss. And Pepper blows. There were a lot of funny bits in the book, but there were just too many of those interruptions which get annoying, ever so occasionally. This quote I found muchly amusing, for some reason - "Some great big test to see if what you've built all works properly, eh?
You start thinking: it can't be a great cosmic game of chess, it has to be just a very complicated Solitaire."

Which reminds me of something rather related - eternal life. I've been researching this, and apparently, Islam's version of paradise is getting 72 houris - which is to say, eternal virgins (tha's right kiddies, after using them, they become virgins again). And not only that, once you've decided that your fed up with the houris, you can go right ahead to have prepubescent boys next. And all that, just for the men. The women, on the other hand, have the honor of watching their husbands deflower the houris. Basically, this gives you an idea of what the Islam suicide bombers exchange their lives for. Interesting. I mean no disrespect by this, I'm merely pointing out what their concept of eternal life is.

Hmm. I shall expound on this in the near future, aye.

Thus spake Irish || 7:18 PM || 0 comments