Monday, July 03, 2006
So maybe I won't get those highlights. Not any time soon, anyway. I passed by the hair coloring place and consulted them about it. Taking the length of my hair into consideration it would cost about Php 1600, an amount I am not about to shell out of my own pocket. Asking les parents for the dough is not an option because there is no way they'd give it to me if they knew I 'd be using it to "butcher" mah hair. And seeing as I'm not exactly brillant when it comes to saving money (that and I have a priority list of stuff to buy... like say, graphic novels and such), it'll have to wait. So unless I come into a shitload of money, I'll just have to settle for my normal hair.
Strange thing though, yesterday, while I was towelling my hair dry - I saw this white hair, except that it wasn't completely white. It had this purple tinge. Must be the remnants of that shampoo dye I used before. How odd.
Thus spake Irish || 10:04 AM